Tuesday, May 11, 2010

January 2010 VHF-UHF Sweepstakes

Okay, time to update this blog more often. My problem—both in blogdom and in other parts of my life—is that I let the best become the enemy of the good. In this case, I always want photos and details all lined up so that the blog posting is as complete and interesting as possible. But then I never quite get around to blogging at all. Enough of that.

My son Christopher (KC9JTL) and I had a great time in the January 2010 ARRL VHF-UHF sweepstakes. One really cool aspect of this contest was hearing so many locals on the air, on both FM and SSB.

As for locals on FM we worked KB9TPG, KC9LBO, K9ALT, KC9OYG, KC9NHQ, KC9KVJ, W9ET, KC9MRV, WX9EP, and N9UNW.

Local contacts on SSB came from WV9E, WV9S, KA9FOX, W9UUM, W9GM, W9RPM, N9ETD, KB9BGN, and AB9HW. (I hope I'm not forgetting anybody.)

I think that's just great, so thanks again for everybody who got on the air!

Christopher and I made a total of 93 contacts. Here's the breakdown:

Freq QSOs Grids

50 27 9

144 52 14

222 9 6

440 5 1

That's almost twice as many contacts as we got last January, which was our first VHF-UHF contest. And conditions were pretty poor this weekend. Hope to do better in June.

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